City of Ketchum recently issued the following announcement.
Ketchum’s Housing Action Plan: What are the Actions?
Thursday, May 12, 2022
5:30pm to 7:00pm
Ketchum Housing Strategist Carissa Connelly, City Administrator Jade Riley and implementing partners will present the City of Ketchum’s Annual Housing Action Plan, with a holistic set of goals and priority year-one actions. The Plan is informed by (1) a housing needs assessment that analyzed over 1,100 survey responses, interviews of over 30 community members, and other related data analyses, and (2) a Housing Toolkit that incorporates ideas proposed during community outreach, a scan of comparable communities, and housing policy best practices.
Other speakers will include: Susan Scoville, Ketchum Urban Renewal Agency Chair; Seana Doherty, Housing Manager for the Town of Truckee; Herbert Romero, community organizer; Brooke Pace McKenna, Co-Executive Director of the Hunger Coalition; Mary Fauth, Director/Co-Founder of the Blaine County Charitable Fund; Sally Gillespie, Executive Director of Spur Community Foundation; Carter Cox, Founder of Nested Strategies Inc.; Sarah Michael, Chair of the Blaine County Housing Authority; and Tim Carter, Ketchum Planning & Zoning Commissioner.
This presentation will be livestreamed and available to view live or later on Vimeo. Click here to watch. Seating is limited, and advance registration is recommended.
P.O. Box 2315
191 5th St. West
Ketchum, ID 83340
Original source can be found here.